I was pretty lucky growing up. There were always loads of buddies around and there was always something for us to do. I do, however, wish that I had more courage. You know; to tell some of these buddies that I wanted to fuck them in the ass. Or let them suck my cock while I grope their hung balls.
I only started thinking like this when I decided to check out the awesome gay site called Next Door Buddies. Here, you’ll find fresh-looking men (some look very straight) taking cock-after-cock on camera. They have over 567+ videos for you to jerk off over. And your Next Door Buddies pass also lets you enjoy another 16 sites from Next Door Studios.
Be warned though, the action here is going to make you horny. It’ll get your cock harder than anything else; you can rest assured none of these men will stop until you’ve came multiple times. I used this wicked 74% off discount on Next Door Buddies to get myself access to all those naughty hunks!